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Annual Shareholder's Meeting

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

by Colleen DePaolo

The Fillmore Gardens Annual Meeting was held on Tuesday, May 12, at the Flatbush Park Jewish Center and was well attended.

Howard Strobing, Managing Agent and Robert Snyder, Board President spoke of various projects that were completed over the past year; including boiler repairs and replacements along with multiple stoop reconstructions. Most importantly, both gentlemen advised there has been no discussion on a maintenance increase, at this time. Applause was heard from the audience!

Our accountant, Peter Petrelli went over the Financials. Our attorney, Bruce Cholst, was also present. Both gentlemen were available for questions from Cooperators.

Sharon from Assemblyman Alan Maisel’s office represented Alan who was in Albany. Sharon advised us that some of our curbs that were not completed last year by the city were now being addressed. Alan Maisel’s office is located at 2424 Ralph Avenue, directly across the street from Washington Mutual Bank, and Sharon advised the staff is always available to help out.

The election was held for three Board of Directors seats for a three year term. The winners are: Robert Snyder – re-elected, Debbie Malafronte – re-elected, and Joseph Burgin – newly elected. Congratulations to all!

Thanks to all who attended and to all unable to attend thanks for your Proxy votes.

Website by Paul Lifschin