is the #1 source of Antioxidants
provides more than just a morning jolt; that steaming cup of java is
also the No. 1 source of antioxidant in the
U.S. diet, according to a new study by researchers at the University
of Scranton. "Americans get more of their antioxidants from coffee
than any other dietary source. Nothing else comes close," says
study leader Joe Vinson, PhD, a chemistry professor at the university.
Although fruits and vegetables are generally promoted as good sources
of antioxidants, the new finding is surprising because it represents
the first time
coffee has been shown to be the primary source from which most Americans
get their antioxidants. Coffee consumption is on the rise in the United
States and more than one-half of Americans drink it every day, according
to the National Coffee Association.
in general have been linked to numerous potential health benefits,
including protection against heart disease
and cancer. Vinson and his associates analyzed the antioxidant content
of more than 100 different food items, including vegetables, fruits,
nuts, spices, oils, and common beverages. Coffee came out on top, on
the combined basis of both antioxidants per serving size and frequency
of consumption, Vinson says. Java easily outranked such popular antioxidant
sources a s tea, milk, chocolate, and cranberries.
While the findings
would seem to encourage people to go out and drink more coffee, Vinson
emphasizes moderation. "One to two cups a day appear to be beneficial,"
he says. If you don't like coffee, consider drinking black tea, which
is the second-most-consumed antioxidant sources in the U.S. diet,
Vinson says.
- Source: American Chemical Society